Monday, January 27, 2020

Effects of Bullying and Strategies for Bullying Prevention

Effects of Bullying and Strategies for Bullying Prevention Learning outcome 5 (5.1) Different types of bullying Bullying can have a wide range of negative effects on a child. It can happen at any age, any time and in many forms, not only face to face but also via mobile phones and online. The table below shows the different types of bullying and the effects. Reference/bibliography (5.2) Effects of bullying on children and young people The different types of bullying that have been identified in the table (physical, emotional, verbal, non-verbal, racial, and sexual and cyber) can have a wide range of effects on children and young people, which include the following. Changes in eating habits (reluctance to eat or binge eating) Reluctance to go to school (making up excuses that are made up such as stomach aches and feeling ill and playing truancy) Withdrawn behaviour and reluctance to communicate Seem upset and distressed Their belongings stolen or damaged whilst at school (ripped school uniform or bag or broken equipment) Physical injuries (may not always be visible e.g. hair pulling etc) Might have trouble sleeping Afraid to be on their own or spends too much time alone The effects of bullying can last a lifetime and have the flowing effects. Self harming (cutting wrists, scratching, hair loss, etc) Suicide Abuse alcohol and other drugs in adolescence and as adults Getting into fights, vandalizing property, and dropping out of school Getting into gangs/ gang fights Socialising with wrong members of the public (drug dealers) Engage in early sexual activity (for females become pregnant at a young age) Have criminal convictions Being abusive towards their partners, spouses or children as adults Children who witness bullying are more likely to do the following. Have increased use of drugs, alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs Have increased mental health problems, including depression and anxiety Miss or skip school which effects their education Responding to evidence of bullying Clear policies and procedures should be followed in the school setting when an allegation has been made or evidence of bullying has been seen. Each school setting will have a anti-bullying and behaviour policy in place outlining what constitutes bullying and the standard of behaviour that is expected in the school. Anti bullying policy The anti bullying policy will set out a definition of what constitutes bullying and the different types of bullying that can be experienced. I will include the following. Unacceptable behaviour and definitions of this The responsibilities that the school holds for ensuring that action is taken if allegations are made or bullying is suspected Responsibilities of staff and governors Pupils have the right to learn free from intimidation and fear The needs of the victim are paramount School’s will not tolerate bullying behaviour Bullied pupils will be listened to Reported incidents would be taken seriously and thoroughly investigated Behaviour policy The behaviour policy will usually set out the rule and responsibilities of children and teachers within the school setting and the types of behaviour that are not acceptable. It will show the consequences of non-compliance and the procedures that will be followed if unacceptable behaviour takes place. Policies and procedures should come into force to ensure that bullying is stopped, and to make sure it does not happen again. The victim should have a meeting with the teacher to put together strategies in case the situation occurs again Point out that the behaviour that has occurred is unacceptable, and provide information how they are going to be monitored Meeting with staff and other children who have witnessed the bullying should take place to obtain additional evidence Consider if external agencies should get involved Make use of curriculum to restore self esteem in the victim and to discuss bullying and unacceptable behaviour Behaviour policy for schools would include the following. To create a consistent environment that expects, encourages and recognises good behaviour and one in which everyone feels happy and safe To help pupils develop self respect, self control and accountability for their own behaviour To encourage the partnership between home and school Staff responsibilities To role model good behaviour and positive relationships To emphasise the importance of values and being valued To provide an effective learning and teaching environment To encourage positive relationships based on kindness, empathy and respect To ensure fair treatment for all regardless of ability, age, sex, or race Show appreciation of the efforts and contributions of everyone Children should learn to expect recognition for positive behaviour and fair and consistency applied consequences for inappropriate behaviour. Recognition and praise should be given where ever possible for both work and behaviour. These recognitions and praise could be the following. Stickers for good behaviour (warn by the child) Positive recognition to parents for good behaviour House points awarded Good behaviour notes sent home by parents Certificates (presented in assembly) All these policies and procedures are in place to ensure the school’s expectations and standards are met. All school’s have policies and procedures in place to support staff and children from situations such as bullying to provide a safe and secure environment for the children to learn and be happy in. children should have the right to learn in a safe, secure and anti-bullying environment and these policies help children from doing that. Behaviour policies also help in the school setting by encouraging children and staff to behave how they should and be treated how they would like to be treated I appositive way. Reference/bibliography (5.3) Supporting a child when bullying is suspected or alleged Within a school setting there are policies and procedures in place for the correct procedure to be followed if a child is being bullied or if bullying is suspected. As a support assistant it is very important that they are approachable so that children feel able to confide any instances of bullying. Some children who are being bullied would find it difficult and would be scared to share their feelings and to report the bullying. It is important to reassure the children that they have done the right thing in reporting the bullying, and that they will be 100% supported now that the bullying has been disclosed. Parents should be made aware of the school behaviour and anti-bullying policies to inform them of their child’s rights and the ways that the school can support them. When dealing with a child who is being bullied they can be upset but may not show their feelings. It is very important to take the problem seriously. The child has to be listened to and re-assured that they are doing the right thing by sharing their worries and feelings. For parents the signs to look out for if a child is being bullied are. Coming home with damaged or missing clothes, without money they should have, or with scratches or bruises they shouldn’t have Having trouble with homework for no apparent reason Using a different route between home and school Feeling irritable, easily upset or particularly emotional What can you do if you suspect a child is being bullied? Reference/bibliography

Sunday, January 19, 2020

A Class Divided Reflection Essay

Everyone is likely to experience some form of discrimination or prejudice; as is anyone capable of acting prejudiced towards others. On April 5th, 1968, a teacher in Riceville, Iowa named Jane Elliot conducted an experiment with her third grade class that dealt with the concept of discrimination; and was documented in Peters’ 1985 ‘A Class Divided’. The exercise originally took place the day after Martin Luther King was assassinated. The documentary is an eye opener to the world of racism and discrimination. Bucher (2010) describes racism as â€Å"discrimination based on the belief that one race is superior to another† (97). According to Bucher (2010) â€Å"discrimination is defined as the unequal treatment of people on the basis of their group membership† (100). Bucher goes on to say â€Å"treatment varies because of race, age, gender, social class or any number of other dimensions of diversity† (100). ‘A Class Divided’ exposes t hat discrimination doesn’t just go to the extent to the color of skin, culture or ethnicity, but discrimination can fall into any physical characteristics, social status, having a developmental disability, simply being a woman, and in this case the color of your eyes. The concept Elliot is teaching, is that racism is a learned behavior and not part of human genetics. This blue eyed versus brown eyed people experiment establishes that thinking and acting racist is learned. She also proves it can be unlearned. She wants us to see through the myth of white superiority. How we are told to believe that racism no longer exists and that it’s not as simple as the KKK. Today racism and discrimination go much further and are more complex. It’s being able to vote; it’s the stereotypes â€Å"an unverified and oversimplified generalization about an entire group of people† (Bucher, 2010, 86), children learn growing up; it’s portraying the colored people as the bad ones and the white people as victims; it’s not having the equal rights and opportunities. Elliot’s exercise with her class shows the effects of when there is a distinguished group of superiors and inferiors. A month from now I will recall several scenes from the movie. Especially all the faces and emotions the children went through when part of the inferior group. When Mrs. Elliot told her class that brown eyed people are not to get second helpings at lunch time, one little brown eyed girl looked utterly heartbroken. The scene that I’ll probably remember most is when Ms. Elliot did the test on the adults. It was shocking and interesting to see how adults act in such a situation as being discriminated against. Another scene that stood out was when the superior group of children felt like they were in power; they completely turned on the other group with no remorse. Best friends became worst enemies, and they didn’t even think twice about it. Elliot conducted this experiment on her third grade class based on students having blues eyes or brown eyes. The first day the blue eyed children would be superiors, because blue eyed people are better and smarter than brown eyed people, thus they were given extra privileges. For example, the superior blue eyed children were entitled to seconds for lunch, but the inferior brown eyed children were not, in fears they might take too much food. The superior group received unearned privileges, defined by Bucher (2010) as â€Å"those benefits in life that we have through no effort of our own† (135), like five extra minutes at recess and being allowed to play on the playground equipment. Just as blacks were forced to use segregated restrooms and water fountains, the inferior brown eyed people could not drink directly from the fountain; they were required to use a cup. The brown eyed children were also made to wear a collar around their necks, that way, they could be told apart, just as African Americans can be discriminated against from a distance. Elliot gave recognition to the blue eyed kids on being hard working, fast learners, while the brown eyed children were found at fault and told they were not as smart. On the day blue eyed people were superior; she brings up the point that blue eyed fathers never kick their children, like one brown eyed boy’s father had done the prior week. But when blue eyed Russell forgot his glasses the following day, it had to be because he has blue eyes, since Susan, whom has brown eyes, remembered her glasses. Elliot also led the children to decide that since blue eyed Greg said he likes to hit his litter  sister, this conveys blue eyed people are naughty. From here, we witness some of superior blue eyed kids began to act arrogant and bossy to the inferior brown eyed kids. Blue eyed Russell was taunting John at recess, calling him ‘brown eyes’ and John retaliated by hitting him. After the two boys fought at recess the teacher asked if responding with violence made him feel better, he replied no. His answer goes to show that responding with violence is ineffective and a waste of time and energy. They compared it to someone calling a black man the N-word. Even academic achievement goes up when the children were in the superior group. When doing the card packs the first day the brown eyed children spent five and half minutes to go through the deck, while the superior blue eyed children spent only three minutes, the following day the superior group of brown eyed students took only two and a half minutes compared to the four minutes and eighteen seconds of the inferior blue eyed group. In the documentary the kids didn’t refuse to obey their teacher, even during the exercise, but surprisingly when doing the exercise with the adults, they also followed along with her every order. Not even one of the adults stood their ground, as Ms. Elliot kept throwing out negative comments, the adults never really argued with her. This is because if they would have argued it would have made them seem argumentative and disobedient which would have just made the situation worse. When being discriminated against, one feels hopeless. Maybe they felt as if their words wouldn’t mean anything, even if spoken. While in the prison seminar, one of the white woman said that all people face some kind of discrimination, another woman disagrees by saying that whites can’t really know what it’s like to face discrimination every day. There is no way that a white person will ever feel or know what it’s like to face the discrimination that African Americans have ex perienced. Watching ‘A Class Divided’ really brought along a lot of different feelings. First and foremost I learned from watching the kid’s scene that you work better when you feel better and when you feel confident. Ms. Elliot’s way of showing these kids about discrimination and racism was very effective and  taught the kids that no one person is different from the next, we all were created equal and it isn’t right to judge. It is important for every child to learn in the early stages of life that everybody under the sun is created equally. We may not look the same, or dress the same, some of us may have a higher social status than others, but at the end of the day we still walk the same Earth, nobody is better than the next. The biggest impact from seeing the video is that it shows how easily discrimination can be taught to a young impressionable child. As Elliot explains that we adults train our children to think this way when we past judgment and then th ey see it and grow up to be familiar with it and think of it as ordinary. Works Cited Bucher, R. D. (2010). Diversity Consciousness Third Edition: opening our minds to people, cultures, and opportunities. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Prentice Hall. Peters, W. (Director). (1985). A class divided. Washington, DC: PBS Video [Frontline].

Friday, January 10, 2020

Low-Wage Workers

It is not easy being a low-wage worker. In my case, I am a family man. I have a wife who just stays at home without any source of income and two kids who go to school. Sad to say, I am among the 30 million workers who earn less than $9 an hour. The truth is I do not want to be a low-wage worker but I do not have a choice. I never went to college. What kind of jobs is in store for high-school graduates only? If you want to know the answer, just look at me now. I was hired because I was referred by a friend who used to work for the company I am working for at present. Not that I did not have the qualifications for the job, but nowadays, referrals help a lot. After filling out the standardized bio-data, I was called for interview directly. Drug tests were not required. My employer is Chinese and runs a family business, so most of the higher positions are held by family members except for some employees who have worked their all their lives. The one who interviewed me was the Executive Vice-President of the company who happens to be the wife of the President. She was kind. Not the type I expected to be. She was very calm in asking questions, as if I have known her for a long time. I did not feel very uncomfortable. She encouraged me to speak my thoughts, which was good because I need not worry too much about what to say. Our relationship at present is fairly good. But still my sentiments of a low-paying job with almost no benefits remain to cause me more difficulties in life. I keep on asking myself, â€Å"When will I get out of this dead-end job?† My fellow employees come in two categories: the well-paid workers with benefits and those who are like me with minimal benefits. I am not counting the employed family members because of course, the get good pay. Those who have higher positions usually have graduated from college with good to excellent scholastic record. These are the employees who possess innate, learned, and transferable skills. There was some who just finished high-school but they have special skills which are indispensable in the company. The ones like me are graduates of high-school only, with limited skills and abilities except for some. This is the reason why after working for 10 years in this company, I hardly get a raise. If I or any of my family members get sick, we simply incur debts to be able to attend to our medications. In terms of the working conditions, it is quite disappointing. The warehouses where I work are not well-equipped. They do not even have a decent comfort room. We share lockers, too. Our break room is close to dilapidation so rest periods can be hardly called rest at all. As to breaks, we have 30-minute lunch breaks from 12:00-12:30 then 2 bathroom privileges, one in the morning and another in the afternoon. My employer, I think, is a large corporation because it has seven branches in the country though each establishment is not really as big as other large companies. It has hundreds of employees so maybe it is indeed a big investment. During working hours, we rarely talk with my co-workers. However, we get to discuss some topics while taking our breaks such as our family lives. Usually they are family problems and we can only share them to the people at work to at least ease out a bit. We also chat about current events, latest happenings inside and outside the workplace, entertainment, and just about anything under the sun. Labor unions have declined over the past few years. But at times we talk about it. Generally, my co-workers especially those who have worked for a long time in the company, have always wanted to form a union where we could express our sentiments to our employers. Maybe, this would have improved our status in this company. Nevertheless, no one has really had the guts to lead us. Inasmuch as I wanted to help, I chose to have a job rather than not having one at all. I am scared of being jobless. I am still thankful even if I am only a low-wage worker. Works Cited Hansen, Randall. â€Å"Surviving and Moving Beyond Low-Wage Jobs: Solutions for an Invisible Workforce in America.† Quintessential Careers. 28 June 2007 . Low-Wage Workers It is not easy being a low-wage worker. In my case, I am a family man. I have a wife who just stays at home without any source of income and two kids who go to school. Sad to say, I am among the 30 million workers who earn less than $9 an hour. The truth is I do not want to be a low-wage worker but I do not have a choice. I never went to college. What kind of jobs is in store for high-school graduates only? If you want to know the answer, just look at me now. I was hired because I was referred by a friend who used to work for the company I am working for at present. Not that I did not have the qualifications for the job, but nowadays, referrals help a lot. After filling out the standardized bio-data, I was called for interview directly. Drug tests were not required. My employer is Chinese and runs a family business, so most of the higher positions are held by family members except for some employees who have worked their all their lives. The one who interviewed me was the Executive Vice-President of the company who happens to be the wife of the President. She was kind. Not the type I expected to be. She was very calm in asking questions, as if I have known her for a long time. I did not feel very uncomfortable. She encouraged me to speak my thoughts, which was good because I need not worry too much about what to say. Our relationship at present is fairly good. But still my sentiments of a low-paying job with almost no benefits remain to cause me more difficulties in life. I keep on asking myself, â€Å"When will I get out of this dead-end job?† My fellow employees come in two categories: the well-paid workers with benefits and those who are like me with minimal benefits. I am not counting the employed family members because of course, the get good pay. Those who have higher positions usually have graduated from college with good to excellent scholastic record. These are the employees who possess innate, learned, and transferable skills. There was some who just finished high-school but they have special skills which are indispensable in the company. The ones like me are graduates of high-school only, with limited skills and abilities except for some. This is the reason why after working for 10 years in this company, I hardly get a raise. If I or any of my family members get sick, we simply incur debts to be able to attend to our medications. In terms of the working conditions, it is quite disappointing. The warehouses where I work are not well-equipped. They do not even have a decent comfort room. We share lockers, too. Our break room is close to dilapidation so rest periods can be hardly called rest at all. As to breaks, we have 30-minute lunch breaks from 12:00-12:30 then 2 bathroom privileges, one in the morning and another in the afternoon. My employer, I think, is a large corporation because it has seven branches in the country though each establishment is not really as big as other large companies. It has hundreds of employees so maybe it is indeed a big investment. During working hours, we rarely talk with my co-workers. However, we get to discuss some topics while taking our breaks such as our family lives. Usually they are family problems and we can only share them to the people at work to at least ease out a bit. We also chat about current events, latest happenings inside and outside the workplace, entertainment, and just about anything under the sun. Labor unions have declined over the past few years. But at times we talk about it. Generally, my co-workers especially those who have worked for a long time in the company, have always wanted to form a union where we could express our sentiments to our employers. Maybe, this would have improved our status in this company. Nevertheless, no one has really had the guts to lead us. Inasmuch as I wanted to help, I chose to have a job rather than not having one at all. I am scared of being jobless. I am still thankful even if I am only a low-wage worker. Works Cited Hansen, Randall. â€Å"Surviving and Moving Beyond Low-Wage Jobs: Solutions for an Invisible Workforce in America.† Quintessential Careers. 28 June 2007 .